A Giclee (pronounced "zheeclay"...from the French for the "spraying of ink"),
is a computer generated print that is produced by the spraying of an image
on to fine art paper. The types of paper may vary, but the Giclee process
remains the same on all prints.
Jan Collins Selman has added yet another dimension to this process by first
either scanning or hand painting the work into her computer by use of a digitized
drawing tablet. Then , through various paint programs, she draws, overlays
and manipulates the image and the color until she feels it is complete.
Dozens of "proofs" are then printed and recalculated until the
Artist gets just the right tone, depth and color she is looking for.
Only the finest watercolor and print making paper are used, and each
piece is individually sprayed, so that ALL the prints in the edition
(no matter the number) are original Giclees.
Combining the best of both FINE art and STATE of the art,
Giclees are fast becoming a favorite of painters and photographers,
as well as gallery and museum administrators.

Ms. Selman's Giclees are offered in limited editions,
and each piece is signed and numbered by the artist.

When the edition is finished, no more prints will be
made of that piece in it's present form.

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